Mar 30, 2007

broccoli makes you fart!

okay seriously, i never knew that, i thought that was only for beans!
but it's true!!

i've been eating broccoli for the past few days. maybe. everyday in the week cept for 1 or 2 here and there. i'm starting to get quite sick of it. but anyway, then when i was safeway shopping with a friend, he commented on the broccoli that i picked out

"eh! broccoli, make you fart alot one"

then like a lightbulb in my head, PING, it flashed non stop, giving that static, electricity sound..

"so that's why i've been mumble mumble...."


"oh nothing."

what. really nothing what, it's just gas.

1 comment:

if u dunno who i am too bad. said...

"so that's why i've been mumble mumble...."

LOL.. omg.